7 of Cups, 9 of Pentacles, and the Book
On a personal level:
In order to become strong, independent, self actualizing individuals, we must first do the work of shattering the illusions we have about ourselves, of seeing ourselves from a place of truth and understanding. We are all capable of both good and bad. We all have our demons and our saints. And at the same time, no demon is truly evil and no saint is truly good. This black and white world we sometimes compare ourselves to, just does not exist. We are all grey af, as we shift between black and white. As Maude (Harold & Maude) says, “consistency is not really a human trait.” Understanding our faults, knowing our tools, and when to use and how to adjust them to each situation are all part of the self-development necessary to build a happy and successful life.
For instance, I can be very scatter brained, but I also have the ability to hold many thoughts at once, which makes me a good alchemist, yet I need to learn how to provide enough structure and discipline to get things anchored in reality. It’s not easy and I’m still learning that lesson, big time.
We have to be honest with ourselves, we have to face all that we are, and adjust accordingly.
On a political level:
Another day of heartbreak. Another day of injustice. Another day of shattering illusions. I meant to get this reading up earlier today, but I was busy watching the terror going down at Oceti camp. What has been happening to the water protectors is an act of terrorism by militarized police who have turned on their own people to protect a fucking pipeline, to protect big oil and the wealthy. It’s frustrating as all fuck to watch. And yet, it is SO DAMN important because watching shatters illusions that need to be gone and done with. It does us no favors to believe that our government is not corrupt as fuck. It will use force against us, illegally. It will stand on the side of profit over people and the environment time and time again.
We are in this movement for the long haul. One thing is clear, our institutions will not save us. Our rights do not apply when you are in the way of profit. We will have to save ourselves. No president, no politician, no law, no commercialized cause is going to result in equality and justice for all.
We have to do it ourselves. And to do that, we must open our eyes to the corruption, to shatter the illusions of safety and comfort, to educate ourselves on the needs of others, and to move forward in a responsible way so that we all understand the complexity of our situation.
The time is NOW to build a new world. It will take MASS resistance. We have to be willing to come together and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We will not participate in this society if it continues to put profit over people and the environment.
It’s beyond time to get serious friends.
Love and healing to you all.
Blessed be.