Out from the Shadows and into Creativity
Full Moon morning blessings to you all. Are you ready for tonight’s full moon? She’s a powerful one and in my moon sign, so I’m sure I’ll be feeling it something fierce. If you are wanting extra lunar guidance and are a card slingin’ radical, check out my astrological interpretation and full moon spread I made for the specific aspects and alignments happening tonight/tomorrow!
Today’s draw is a beautiful reminder and has me inspired to spend this full moon contemplating and reaching for the rewards that come with connecting to your creative soul and sharing your art with the world. We are being asked to take our art seriously, to give it our time and effort, to stand by it proudly, and work toward the rewards of abundance that come after doing the hard work.
And the Wheel is here to remind us that though there are a plethora of excuses for not getting down with our creativity, the fact remains that we mold our life through every decision we make about how we spend our time. There is a lot that could be standing in your way: whether it is simply the pressure of days, your insecurities, your obligations, your energy levels, your mental health, your busy schedule… And then there’s everything that happens outside of ourselves that we have no control over. Yet, if we don’t make our creative expressions a priority and make time for them, then our art won’t manifest.
And how heartbreaking that is for you and for the world. Do us all a favor and do some reorganizing or disciplining or whatever it is you need to do to take your creative soul seriously. Whatever else is this life for, really? Love and art is all.
Blessed be.