It's a New Day and Time for a New Way: LOVE
Phew. I don’t know about you all, but that Venus retrograde was a tough experience for me. Retrogrades encourage us to step back and go over things again. Venus, of course, is the planet of love, beauty, pleasure, art, aesthetics — not anything that can be taken lightly. This retrograde brought up many issues of self-doubt, even in the most precious and comfortable of my relationships and especially in my relationship with myself. It had me spiraling with issues of self-worth I thought I’d overcome. I found myself not enjoying my body, my appearance, my writing, or art. All the while I’m wondering where in the hell all of this came from. In hindsight, it was clearly timed with Venus’s retrograde. And while I learned a whole hell of a lot from this review of my life and relationships, I am ready to move on and let go of the baggage that has been holding me back.
And wow. How well does this morning's draw reflect exactly that! I am feeling incredibly optimistic this morning and have since Saturday, when I also drew the 6 of swords (with the 5 of cups!). I’m moving up and on, letting go of the past hurts that no longer serve me, but bringing along the wisdom they taught me.
The 6 of Swords represents Mercury in Aquarius and the 3 of Cups represents Mercury in Cancer. This bolds well for communicating — aka writing, speaking, sharing, arting. We are being encouraged to bring what we have learned from the struggles of our past into the wisdom, love, and movements we make in the present and in our plans for the future. It is time to take our love and passions seriously, to stop laughing off or escaping from what it is our hearts are being called to do. AND we must open our hearts to our community and allow it to be a space of inspiration, support, and love. As Jessa Crispin says in the Creative Tarot, “a creative spirit needs companionship.”
For real, friends, we really do.
Blessed be.