Done is Better than Perfect
If you are seeking a life of self-actualization and authenticity, ditch the idea of perfection. Perfection will kill your creativity, personal expression, and progress dead. It will trap you in a box that will never fit, never feel right, never get you to where you want to be. Perfection simply does not exist for us humans. We are oh so much more complicated than that. We are meant to spiral through all of our contradictions, our light and our dark, our triumphs and our failures, our mistakes and our good work. This is the whole point of life! It is how we learn, how we grow, how we evolve, how we love, how we become.
Accidents can lead to great things. Fuck ups can bring out the best in us. So let the idea of perfection go, please, for yourself, for us, for the earth, for the divine, and for the collective unconscious.
I’m not sure who said it, but this quote really helps me when I get stuck: “done is better than perfect.”
Nothing we do will ever be perfect. Okay? Now that we have accepted this truth, and let go of such a boring and redundant standard, it is time to do the work of balancing our self-discipline and spontaneity: our wild side and our responsible side. Self-expression will stagnate without room to flow and dance. And it simply won’t exist without our commitment to put our pens to paper, our hands to the keyboard, our fingers to the clay, our minds to the research, etc. We have to find our way between the two.
Think about some of the creative moments/projects/processes in which you were both focused and in the flow. What conditions made that possible? Was it following your interest? Setting time aside with no distractions? Waking up early? After a walk? With a strict schedule? With an intentional schedule? With no schedule at all?
We are all unique in how we work. Experiment with and seek out what will aid and balance you in your discipline and creative freedom. Take your power back from ideas of perfection. Take your power back from distractibility and/or rigidity. Empower and allow yourself to find your flow, your rhythm, your craft.
Do all of this so that you can let your voice have its say. And so that we get the pleasure of hearing it.
Blessed be.