My lovely healers, feelers, rebels, people, and spirits,
We have a lot of work to do in the name of justice, harmony, and love. It is up to us, collectively, to transform the consciousness of our culture. It is up to us to show people the light. But, I often feel like I have little to no guidance on how, what, and where. I hear the call. It rings so loudly in my ears that sometimes I can barely stand it. I know you all are hearing it too. I see it in your posts, your faces, your words… I can even hear it in your hearts. We are waking up, not to witness the devastation and injustice, but to FIGHT it.
But we will need help. So, I’ve created a meditation and a tarot spread to help us dive into the nuances of our role in the resistance and revolution. I’ll be offering to do this reading for $35, but of course, you are welcome to do it for yourself on your own. Whether doing it at home or purchasing it from me, I encourage you to listen to my first ever guided meditation before pulling the cards:
After the meditation, lay 6 cards for the following representations:
- The first card represents the strength that already lives within you, the resources and wells of power and courage that you can call upon (and develop further) in these trying times.
- The second card represents strength to seek out, meaning strength to find in others, to develop within yourself, and to join (group strength).
- Earthly resistance represents what you can do on the ground, for and through your physical environment.
- Fiery resistance represents where to channel your spirit, your creativity, and your will power.
- Airy resistance represents how to channel your voice/communication and how to direct your mental energies (both in how you talk to yourself and how you think about the world).
- Watery resistance represents how to feel into your resistance, how to channel your intuition, and how to keep your heart strong and cared for.
I chose to work with the Motherpeace Tarot for this spread because it is the most revolutionary deck I currently own. Motherpeace is full of advice on how to empower yourself, care for others and the planet, and dismantle the patriarchy.
Strength from within: Ace of Disks
This is only the beginning and I already have so much budding within. I am resourceful, enjoy a certain amount of stability, and am already deeply connected to the planet. I’ve been planting the seeds of environmental resistance within my heart for years now. I know I am ready to risk my life in order to be a part of the resistance. I am willing to drop everything and go when the moment calls. I am also my own boss, which gives me the freedom to act and implement new ideas as they arise. And I am finally putting that pen to paper.
Most importantly, I’m emerging from a time of emotional and spiritual gestation and hermitage. With the strength I’ve gained in tending these parts of myself, I am ready to get to work in the physical realm. I will find strength in new patterns of work, discipline, and passion that are just beginning to form. I will commit to helping them grow. I will find and develop the strength to turn my dreams into reality, to put form to inspiration.
There is a great amount of strength and confidence to be found in getting to work.
Strength to seek: 8 of Wands
Oh man, did I need to hear this! There is strength in quickly taking action and in joining the rapidly growing movements that are already taking action as well. This is a time to take risks, try something new, let the passions fly. Acting on my words, feelings, and fire as they arise will be key in adding to my own strength and hopefully, aiding others. There is great strength and courage to be found in taking initiative. I will also be on the lookout a message or opportunity that could get my ass moving and teach me something about the strength that is already within.
It certainly doesn’t add to anyone’s feeling of empowerment and courage to do nothing in these times. I won’t feel better or stronger or anything besides hopeless if I don’t take action. Doing something to make a difference, to make my voice heard, will only teach me that I do have power, especially within the collective. There is great strength to find in others and our communities.
Earthly resistance: Shaman of Disks
I never related with the King of Pentacles before conducting this reading, but now I see what a dynamic and beautiful leader he is. I will commit to the path and responsibility that I have to be a part of protecting this earth and the people, plants, creatures, ecosystems within it. I understand that there is abundance and enough resources for all when greed is replaced with pragmatic love of the land and people. I will keep steady through this turmoil. I will keep my sites on moving toward a sustainable and connected culture. I know the spirit has her place in this too.
I will make ecological justice my priority. I will find ways in which I can physically add to the wellbeing of this earth.
Fiery resistance: 10 of Disks
I will find greater inspiration, support, and fuel for my fire within community. None of us are going to make change happen on our own. None of us will be able to keep up the passion to do anything without one another. I must find the right group of people, to find my place of action within the community and add my abundant energy to it. It is no secret that we are inspired by one another. That we are more powerful together. I cannot keep my fire burning alone. If I can’t find the right community of activists for me, then I will have to make my own. Manifesting a new world view won’t happen outside of the collective. Nothing is more powerful than what we can accomplish as a group. AND this country is WAKING up! The time is now!
Airy resistance: Justice
The mind is a battlefield of worry and anxiety for many of us during times of uncertainty (or always: me!). I must stick close to truth and balance in order to keep my mental game from crumbling. I have done a lot to work on my mind these past few years and now is the time to keep it balanced. I will find my role within the whole, I will accept the reality we now face AND the responsibility to act. I will not allow fear or worry to stand in my way.
There is something of divine truth present in the justice card, something that goes beyond any government or manmade idea of law. There are truths that go much deeper than politics and policies. I can hear them. I will speak out, scream out, write out these truths. And I will use my mental energies to fight for justice. Because it is the right mother fucking thing to do. Because without justice, I believe in no laws. I am a rebel my friends. I see no point in being governable for a government of corruption and destruction. I adhere to a deeper idea of justice than the one our laws provide. And that is only becoming increasingly true.
Watery resistance: Son of Cups
And of course, I must tend to my depths. I must take the time to connect with my intuition, creativity, imagination, and romanticism. I have to make time to dream! How else do we dream up a world that doesn’t exist yet? I have to meditate. I have to reflect. It is through this practice that I will be able to bridge my piscean dream world and my intellect so as to manifest my inner wisdom out into the world. I have to make time for poetry, for songs of the heart, for art, for spirit. I must stay connected with my feelings, for they are the leaders of my soul. It is through my unconscious mind that I can hear the truths of divine justice, that I find inspiration and fire to fight.
My sensitivity is a gift, though our culture often tries to tell me it is a detriment. There is a gift in the ability to perceive the hurt and pain of the world, but dream anyway. There are wells of strength in vulnerability and keeping an open heart despite the pain it may cause. My sensitivity has taught me to face pain. It has taught me to let in the light of healing. It absolutely has a place in my resistance.
With so many disks and only one card representing each of the other elements, I would say most of my work must be done in the material realm and for the earth. The only major arcana is Justice, placed in its own element of air, which places emphasis on communication. Time to speak it, write it, be it. Clearly, I need community. And I may even have to step up and be a leader. We shall see what manifests, but I am certainly willing. I see spirituality deeply rooted in each card and have felt that spirituality will be a major part of this fight. In order to make real, sustainable change, we have to change the way we connect with each other and this planet. Bring it on.
Blessed be.