This full moon will prove to be interesting, challenging, and hopefully filled with much needed revelations. Astrologically, this moon will be another reality check and with three planets in retrograde - well let’s just call this the spring of reflections and revelations. Hey, at least we have the new spring energy to help us through. On April 10, 2017 at 11:08pm PST, the full moon should be feeling cozy in Libra, next to her friend Jupiter. When these two are in conjunction there is an air of optimism and luck to the day: like maybe, just maybe, things will be changing for the better. Like our fortune is turning. Let us hope that because this conjunction is happening in the fair and relationship focused Libra, that this change is something that can benefit more than just ourselves.
At first glance, the upcoming full moon in Libra conjunct the expansive and fortunate Jupiter appears to be a joyous, lucky moon. And for some of us, in some ways, it just might be. But for those of us (and the world) who are out of balance in our emotional states, in our relationships, or even with more general issues of justice and power - we will find this moon to be a bit of a challenge. But honestly, it is a challenge we need to meet if we are to better ourselves and our environment. The thing about the lovely, balanced, and harmonious Libra that we often take for granted is the effort and the sacrifice that is required to find that sort of peace. Whether it is a bad habit, time, money, effort, responsibility, creativity - we must look at the ways in which we are being called to let go, to sacrifice for the greater need of balance and harmony, both as individuals and in the public sphere. While Jupiter is giving us a boost, it is an important time to look at how to direct the privileges of this boon… And that is where our challengers come in.
Who will be leading this challenge? Opposing the moon and Jupiter is Uranus in Aries. Uranus is the planet that looks to the future, is progressive, and the ruler of visionary, original ideas. In Aries these progressive views are further impassioned, getting us fired up and full of ideas for revolution. Let this light the fire of desire for freedom in our hearts. And let us remember that freedom, and I mean freedom for all, comes at a cost. It comes at a cost to those who are holding more than their fair share. It comes at a cost to those of us that hold more of the power, more of the privilege, and more of our limited resources. Whether within your own life and/or on a more public scale, the areas in which there is imbalance and are in need of our attention will be illuminated by this aspect and full moon. And as these imbalances make themselves known, we must ask ourselves: what do we need to sacrifice, what do we need to share of our blessings and resources to work toward balance and harmony for ourselves and others? This is a call to justice my friends.
As if that weren’t intense enough: squaring the moon, Pluto in Capricorn escalates things one step further. Pluto is a force of creation and destruction. In Capricorn, this planet takes it’s transformative hammer to outdated organizational systems. This is the kind of aspect, especially with the nature of full moons already, will have us bouncing around all of the feels in this arena. Our emotions may be feeling more extreme and our reaction to inequality and corruption may be louder and sharper. Let it intensify our feelings towards the crooked ideas of how our governments, militaries, economies, societies should be run and how power and resources are distributed. May it spur us into action. Let this inspire us to combat the imbalances in our personal lives and in our communities. Let us see and dismantle the ways in which we take more than our fair share of power and resources from others. May this moon illuminate and impassion us to stand up for ourselves when our own empowerment and resources are threatened. May this alignment make sure we are all awakened to the injustices and inequalities of this world and grant us the motivation, the know-how, and the solidarity necessary to eradicate them, for good.
As if that weren’t intense enough: squaring the moon, Pluto in Capricorn escalates things one step further. Pluto is a force of creation and destruction. In Capricorn, this planet takes it’s transformative hammer to outdated organizational systems. This is the kind of aspect, especially with the nature of full moons already, will have us bouncing around all of the feels in this arena. Our emotions may be feeling more extreme and our reaction to inequality and corruption may be louder and sharper. Let it intensify our feelings towards the crooked ideas of how our governments, militaries, economies, societies should be run and how power and resources are distributed. May it spur us into action. Let this inspire us to combat the imbalances in our personal lives and in our communities. Let us see and dismantle the ways in which we take more than our fair share of power and resources from others. May this moon illuminate and impassion us to stand up for ourselves when our own empowerment and resources are threatened. May this alignment make sure we are all awakened to the injustices and inequalities of this world and grant us the motivation, the know-how, and the solidarity necessary to eradicate them, for good.
The symbol for Libra is the Egyptian symbol for the sunset, thought to be a doorway between worlds. Let it be a doorway for us, through which we pass into a commitment to harmony, peace, and justice in this world. Let it be a doorway through which we understand the sacrifices we all must make to return ourselves and this world to balance. May it make clear exactly what wrongs need to be righted. May we see clearly what will be required of us, what changes need to be made, so that we can move toward a more balanced and harmonious future for all. Fuck, even a viable future would be nice instead of the apocalyptic bullshit that conservative and corporate assholes seem to be cocky enough to assume they won’t be subject to and keep steering us towards. See… things are already getting heated. And that is allowed. That is what this moon is for! Let us get mad, if we need to get mad. Let us despair, if we need to despair. Let us laugh, cry, scream, kick, and sing as the energy of the day and night unfolds hard truths that need to be seen.
Let us feel the urgency of our situations. Let us not put justice and harmony on the backburner, to be saved for later. Let us chose to start working towards this now, today, tomorrow, and every day, until things are resolved. We have quite a big system to smash. It starts with your own wellness and grows from there. This full moon, allow yourself to face the hard truths and let in the hope, the discipline, and the sacrifices necessary to change them.
Below is the Tarot spread I promised. Feel free to use oracle or tarot cards. I recommend pulling these cards during your ritual and allowing yourself time and space to write your responses to each card.
Full Moon Blessings,