Witness the Dark, Fuel Your Hope
It is an incredible time to be alive. Though it may be terrifying and what we are up against seems so impossibly large, complicated, sinister, and powerful, trust that we will win. We have got to keep hope. We have got to keep believing. Hope and belief are powerful tools and the only ones that truly work. Trust me on this one. Hold onto your light, your hope, and your belief in a better future. It’s the only way it will ever manifest.
That does not mean staying positive and only looking at the good. Absolutely not. That is a privileged and ignorant stance, that is both selfish and dismissive. For reality and darkness are the nourishment of hope and belief in something better. Reality and darkness are the fuel to the fire that burns within for our own belief in justice and goodness. We must be well versed in the dark, in relationship with the dark. We must know, learn, and witness the realities of racism, sexism, climate change, consumerism, etc. For even if you don’t believe it affects you, it affects someone’s reality. Remember that we are all one and no one is free until we are all free.
So witness we must. Especially the most uncomfortable, disturbing, fearsome, and ugliest parts of it. For if we do not see clearly the truth of it all, the light and the dark, we don't know what to hope for. We are not inspired to create something better to believe in. We are blinded. Hoping for something that doesn’t include the needs of others and justice for all. Is this not the selfish mistake of the forefathers of this country? They only thought of their white, male needs and said fuck everyone else. Let us not make that same mistake in this time of upheaval and transformation. May we continue to witness and stand in solidarity against injustice.
This is a time of big, pervasive change. Keep your eyes and hearts open.
As the world turns on, the fight for justice continues and progress is hard won. But it is won nonetheless. It always wins. We are capable of great harmony, of love without restraint, of abundance to be shared by all (including our gracious planet), of cooperation and deep learning. Believe it, be it, see it.
Blessed be.