Yule 2020 promises to be a sabbat like no other thanks to Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter (the planet of expansion) and Saturn (the planet of contraction) will be meeting on the winter solstice in the sign of Aquarius. As transpersonal planets, these two link us as individuals to the greater whole and represent the part of us that is bigger than ourselves. Typically, Jupiter and Saturn meet about every 20 years in what is called the Great Conjunction. The precise location of where these two meet, and the planetary aspects surrounding them at that time, give us an idea of what the next two decades will bring for us as a collective. It denotes the themes and issues our society will be wrestling with over the course of the next 20 years. The last conjunction occurred during the year 2000 in the sign of Taurus, a sign concerned with material resources and earthly wellness.
In the past two decades, we have been asked to face the finite nature of our planet’s resources, as the effects of climate change come to meet us in the present and worse looms in the future. The insane greed of the rich and the growing wealth inequality in the US became a public talking point thanks in part to the Occupy Wallstreet movement. We settled into a recession through which big banks and corporations were bailed out, allowing the rich to get richer, and leaving the people to suffer. The economy improved for some but left many more behind. And wow, it is ending with a bang! This pandemic has only increased the gap between the poor and the wealthy, as once again the rich are bailed out and little to nothing is given to the people. The pandemic also reaffirms the dangers of not respecting our planet and reminds us that we are truly a globalized world. What happens in one place or another has the power to affect us all. Unfortunately, little about these issues was solved.
The upcoming great conjunction is even bigger news though! It is the kicking off of not only a 20 year cycle, but an 180 year cycle called the Great Mutation. Typically, Jupiter and Saturn meet in the same element for a period of about 180 years. There may be a few exceptions moving closer to the Great Mutation, but overwhelmingly, these two stick to one element. The last 180 year cycle occurred in the element of Earth, bringing us out of the industrial revolution and full speed ahead into an age focused on materialism. Now that age is ending and the dominant paradigms that have ruled our societies for the past few hundred years will give way to new ways of thinking, seeing, perceiving, and being…
The next cycle will have these two planets meeting in air signs, starting with Aquarius. Clearly, we will need a more humanitarian focus to get us anywhere in this mess of a world we have inherited. We will need to enter the realm of ideas, ideologies, relationships, innovation, and collective freedom. Humans will need to focus on their humanity and their collective power. “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free,” as Civil Rights leader Fannie Lou Hamer so wisely stated. She was a Libra sun, with a likely Gemini moon, and Uranus in Aquarius. Air is here for human liberation.
I have great hope for where we are going. I see positive change through all this darkness. Anti-racist work, social justice movements, growing talks of Indigenous rights and decolonization… In this age of information, so many of us white people are finally becoming conscious of the injustice of our past and present - joining the fight for a future that answers for it. But as you know, we have some excruciating battles ahead of us. Misinformation is radicalizing an incredible amount of folks all over this country. All over this world for that matter!! Just think of the power of T***P and his baseless claims over the years and especially now. Social media giants and their algorithms are helping to destroy truth and keep people angry and ignorant. Groups of people are equating random jerks on YouTube, IG, Twitter, etc. with journalists, believing outrageous claims with no proof necessary. Following leaders blindly into fear and hatred that manifests into violence and misdirection.
Technology too, is an area of many goods and evils that will be highlighted. As we advance our abilities and increase our impact on this planet, we need strong ethics and evolving laws that help us to make certain technologies are developed and utilized with the collective good at the center. As I write this on December 17th, I’m learning that Russia has hacked a great number of our governmental agencies and private sector businesses. Hacking and defense of information and technology will definitely be a big issue to contend with over the next few decades, if not centuries. Our social systems also need a great overhauling to accomplish progress on any of these issues. We certainly are not going to meet the future with superannuated senators and presidents well into their 70s and 80s who ignore the leaders in science and technology, while also dismissing the perspectives and worries of the youth!
So yeah… We have a lot of fucking work to do my friends. The only way we will ever accomplish anything is by coming together. Bringing our individual gifts, insights, and tools and working together for collective change is the great call of the next 20 years. Probably more like the next 180. Because shit is fucked. It is an intense and pivotal time to be alive. This transit reflects that. It acts as a threshold into a new era. And in order to create something new, we must enter the darkness and allow the process of death and decay to transmute itself into the fertile soil in which we can plant the seeds of change. AKA - we are in for big, collective healing work.
On a personal level, think of how you interact with cycles of expansion and contraction in your life. Both of these processes are imperative for a learning, healing, sense of self, and creative expression. Sometimes we need to make ourselves and our lives a bit smaller. Other times we are ripe, ready to grow, and take up space in the world. I’m sure we will encounter many cycles of both. This transit isn’t going to be a single moment of radical change all by itself. It is a 20 year process. You may look back and think, ‘everything changed in late 2020 during the pandemic because…’ But in the moment of the phenomenal meeting of these planets, it is unlikely to be so obvious. I could be wrong though! This year, nothing can be assumed.
Because it is impossible to know the exact details of what this lengthy cycle will bring, I find the most interesting and useful thing to do with all of this information is to set intentions that will allow you to work with the energy coming your way. And of course, if you know which house Aquarius rules in your chart, make sure to look at the area of life that house represents. What is coming up for you, specific to your natal house in which Jupiter and Saturn will meet? What is growing smaller in your life? What is ready to take off? What would you like to see less of? More of? How can you work with these planetary energies to find your authentic voice to add into the sea of collective voices rallying in our vision for a better world? Think BIG. Think about the long game. The hard wins that take time and consistent effort. What is begging for you to begin?
Take care, keep hope, and join the revolution. Let it become a way of life that breathes air into our days and fuels the fire in our hearts.
Blessed be.