Our greatest potential is within the work of integration, balance, and alchemy. It’s all about finding the middle road that works best and locating the point of integration between different aspects of our personalities and souls: between our ego and our higher selves, between our will and our feelings, between our physicality and our minds. You know, that yin and yang wisdom. Immense creative power and movement are possible when we learn the balance between flow and discipline.
Temperance and the chariot are 2 of the 3 cards in the major arcana that represent a kind of victory. They are all denominators of 7 with 21 being the final victory, aka - the World: wholeness. Wholeness, being at one with ourselves and the universe, integrating our contradictions, allowing and accepting all of who we are and have the potential to become is the greatest victory of the tarot. Temperance and the chariot are celebratory steps along the way. One of movement, one of integration, both speak of balance.
Not an easy road to find, not always an easy road to follow, I know. As with all growth, it takes time and practice. Obviously, I am in need of some of that because Temperance just won’t leave me alone! The week before last, I mentioned that it was one of those cards that has yet to sink into what I like to call my deep wisdom. I understand it on an intellectual level, but I don’t feel its message in my bones quite yet. And maybe that is why she keeps grabbing for my attention. I hear you angel otter, I need to spend some time with you.
Off to the ocean I go.
Blessed be.