My friends, the faeries have found me. Or rather, I have opened my eyes and heart to them. I understand now that they have been with me since I was born, maybe I am one of them incarnate (we shall see how this develops). And since I love cards, the Faerie’s Oracle is a great way to expand my relationship with these playful creatures. I hope you enjoy their occasional inclusion in my daily readings, and if you love the fae or want to know more about them, I would be happy to utilize them in a personal reading for you. On to the wisdom of the day!
The frog queen, Losgunna isn’t afraid of the murky waters. She takes pleasure in diving deep into the messy and finding what has been lost or forgotten there. Paired with the Hermit and the Page of Swords, the lesson is quite clear: there is a message waiting in the depths of our shadows, in the parts of ourselves we have forgotten or actively avoid. Or maybe the information will come from your inner child, your higher self, or a distant memory. Maybe it’s something present, itching for your attention. If you’d just stop and listen, it would be right in front of you. Regardless of which part of ourselves this message is coming from, the treasure is within our own hearts and minds. Solitude and deep self-reflection are necessary to find/hear this message.
Start out with a blank piece of paper (physical!) and pen and see what comes forth. It may be immediate. So often, we are so distracted by this crazy world of information that it doesn’t take more than the intention of self-reflection to receive what we are needing to hear. Breathe deep, get in touch with your heart. How is your heart? How is your mind? How is your body? How are you holding up?
If that doesn’t lead you to treasure, go deeper.
Do you have old diaries? Poetry? Blogs? Photos? Art? Rants? Ravings? Where do you keep the archive of your past? With your intuition as your guide, set aside some time today to sort through some of your past, even recent past. Look over your progress. Look over your feelings. Take them seriously. Notice the subtleties. Notice the major shifts. Dig, dig, dig.
There is an abundance of wisdom and creativity within us all. We owe it to ourselves and to the world to take the time to listen.
Sending love to you all.
Blessed be.