“Natural magic is simple. We are full of it —and the more we are true to our own nature, the more we have access to our own magic. When we are caught up believing in limitations imposed by ourselves or our culture, we inhibit the flow of energy…” - Jessica Macbeth from the Faeries’ Oracle guidebook.
Mama Nature is calling us out of the drudgery, out of the pressure of days, out of the shoulds and shouldn’ts, out into her world of astonishing life and into ourselves. It is easy to lose ourselves in the increasingly corrupt, limiting western ideas of who we are supposed to be. Mother earth offers us the healing remedy and reminder we need. She’s always there too, you simply need to open your senses. Get outside and appreciate the nature around you, let it bring you excitement and inspiration. Notice the small things. Breathe in the fiery and exciting energy of spring. Dance and sing with the birds, giggle with the flowers, flow with the waters, burn with the sun, cleanse with the rain, scream with the wind. Whatever is happening outside where you are, live and be with it.
The two of swords represents the moon in Libra and how fitting that is as our full moon energy carries into today. I’ve been spending a great deal of time with Libra this last week and she has taught me much about balance and the difficulties that come with trying to achieve it. One of those difficulties is getting lost in indecision which Libra is the queen of. She wants to make the right decision so much that she simply can’t decide.
The Page of Wands is pretty much the opposite, for she doesn’t care about getting it right at all, she simply follows her excitement and enthusiasm. She allows her play and creativity to simply flow, without fear of judgment or self-doubt. It is her own connection to the natural magic both inside herself and out in the world that allows her this freedom. May we all connect back to our flow and magic within. May we be free from limitations and indecision. May we trust and honor our own true natures and the path’s we tread as we follow.
Blessed be.