What if when our minds turn to fear, anxiety, and worry instead of being overwhelmed and stagnated by it, we try to follow the fear into its depths? What if we follow our line of thinking down into the murky waters of our psyches and find its root? What if that root turns out to be a creative treasure? What if you find a golden nugget of healing and wisdom that has been lost to the unexplored dark? What if you are able to de-root the trauma causing your fear and replace it with something kinder, wiser, and more encouraging?
Losgunna is all about this diving into the muck. There is hidden potential trapped in old wounds and trauma. There are ideas and talents that were never granted their due opportunity waiting to be unearthed. Nothing is lost forever, simply buried or obscured. There are so many hidden gems within and all that is required to find them is our commitment to and courage in exploring our dark.
This is true of exploring our light as well, which fear and worry so often keep us from doing! She encourages us to embrace and be open to the opportunities that we are granted, instead of getting trapped behind our apprehensions and despair. She wants us to explore the beauty of where we are and open our eyes to all that we have been too lost in fear or anxiety to see. Vulnerability is a powerful force. And its opposite is to disconnect, which only grants a false sense of security, boxed in by artificial walls of protection. The opposite of vulnerability is imprisonment by fear.
And we don’t have time for that. We have adventurous and courageous hearts to guide us. We have magic and intuition as our powerful allies and tools. AND we only have ourselves to gain.
Blessed be.