I have a habit of rejecting gifts because of my issues around worthiness. The gifts of the tarot, the universe, gifts of praise or inspiration: often fall wasted at my feet to be consumed by fears, doubts, and hesitations. Today, the Motherpeace Tarot and the universe doubled their efforts by placing the Ace of Swords and the 10 of Wands side by side.
The instructions are clear: focus, take aim, and create a sacred, affirming dance to transform the energy wasted in fear and doubt into inspiration and willpower. Point this salvaged and renewed energy towards a specific idea and creative manifestation. This dance will be both mental and spiritual. It will be physical and emotional. It will require meditation, focus, and serious mental effort. It will also require passion, fun, and release. This is purging and birth. This is cleansing and creating. This is the dance of fire and air working together to burn and clear what stands in the way of rebirth.
How can even my doubtful mind dismiss such clear instructions?
On a broader level, this is the dance we must use to combat the bullshit being spewed and enacted by the government and the asshole in chief. All of the hatred, injustice, cruelty, greed, and destruction they are trying to feed us will be transformed by the passion and focus we meet it with, by our refusal to take it in, and by our using our outrage at these injustices to fuel our resistance and creation of a better world. This is our chance to face and burn away the true burdens on our country: greed, hate, and ignorance. Do not forget how much our passion and efforts have stopped this administration and the GOP from doing it’s bidding.
Let this be the death-rattle of patriarchal, capitalist hatred and destruction in our culture and ‘democracy.’ Let this administration be the last of its kind. Let us all wake up to the true forces working against us and focus our will and efforts in transforming this world into one of peace and progress. It is what we all deserve. And it is up to us to create it.
Blessed be. 🙏