You’re moving from the five of swords last month to the 6 of swords for December. Yay for progress! Now that you’ve given your mental patterns your attention and dived deep into where they came from, it’s time to move on, expanding into a better tomorrow. What better way to spend Sagittarius and the beginning of Capricorn season? You’ve been through a lot. It’s exhausting work, unlearning mental patterns, uncovering their roots, and pulling the weeds from your mind. It’s okay and beyond reasonable to feel a bit heavy as you take this next step forward. Giving birth to new forms is often painful, but trust me, trust the universe, a new adventure awaits.
And so you must ask yourself, what does rebirth look like as winter approaches? For each mental pattern undone must be re-written with something new. What seeds have you been planting, what intentions have you been setting, what calls have you been longing to answer? A new year is dawning, bringing a new you with it. How do you want to design the continuing patterns of your life? There is a freshness to the sharp, dark nights of this time of year. Breathe it in and let it revitalize you, awaken you, inspire you in this creative new journey. Wishing you love, joy, and actualization as you leave the past behind and expand beautifully into your future. ❅