6 of Swords, the Star, the Moth & the Raccoon
Wow. The star, temperance, and the emperor have been on repeat this week spanning across different decks! Friends, I think this is a very good omen for us. Especially with today’s draw and today’s eclipse/full moon/comet/magical night we have been blessed with in the midst of all of this chaos. We are being granted a chance to reconnect with our confidence: a return of our audacity to proudly be ourselves and express it.
We will overcome. That is the message I’m getting over all. We must not lose faith. We must not relent. We must persist (btw definitely check out @chaninicholas write up for today’s full moon - SO GOOD).
You see that rainbow over the darkness of the 6 of swords? That is us, rising above the lies, the deceit, the cheating, and corruption. That is us, choosing love, harmony, and truth. That is us, choosing to move beyond the bullshit, towards a progressive future. You see the rainbow reflected in the beauty of the star? That is us keeping faith in good, faith in love, faith in justice, faith in brighter futures, faith in new beginnings, and faith in one another. We will persist. We will overcome.
But that doesn’t mean it won’t be challenging. We know it’s going to be hard. But nothing worth having in this life comes easily. We have to be willing to struggle through this, to struggle for this. We have to be willing to make sacrifices now for the long-term goal — a viable and equal future for all (including mother earth!!).
Today/tonight, make sure you let the beautiful vibes of Leo in. Look at your shadows of fear and rejection as they are revealed through this eclipse. Face them and reintegrate them. Fill yourself up with self-love and acceptance. Fill up with confidence and the fiery will to express yourself passionately. Don’t hide behind your shadows. Overcome them. Again, we will persist and we will overcome. On both an individual and collective level, this is a time of bold transformations. This is a time of facing fears and going beyond them for the greater good. And none of us are alone.
The FULLEST of moon blessings to you all!
I’m off to the forest.
Blessed be.