The Star and the Emperor
Vulnerable and true. Hopeful and free. The star is a card of letting your true colors come through. She is the healing of the self that comes after going through the devil and the tower, after seeing and removing all of the bullshit pressure you and society have placed on your spirit to be and act in a way that is considered normal. After witnessing your false ties to convention, the journey of getting to know yourself from a place of authenticity begins. There is such gratifying freedom, even through the fear, of no longer serving at the feet of convention, of being unashamed of who you are and what you think.
And the emperor is here again to remind us to grant authority only to ourselves, to grant ourselves permission to be as freaky and weird as our hearts tell us we are and feel justified in it. This is closely tied to the lesson that came up earlier this week with the ace of pentacles and the emperor. This is about ownership and owning yourself.
With the Full Moon and eclipse going down in confident Leo, I want you all to think about the ways in which you allow your fears of what others will think to hold you back from being who you are. I want you to think of the ways in which you pressure yourself to conform to the norm. I want you to think about your internal relationship with authority, ownership, and structure. I want you to strip down to your very core and make a plan to allow your truest self to come forward, to care and share the depths of who you are.
And most importantly, I want you to find peace with yourself even if it is only for a moment — it’s called practice dear friends. I want you to accept, love, and hold your beautiful soul and know that you are wonderful even just as and where you are. Accept and love who you are now and I can promise that growing and developing into the person you truly want to be will be a much easier task.
Wishing you all self-love.
Blessed be.