9 of Wands, 9 of Cups (the wish card), and the Oyster
I hope you all had an illuminating day yesterday and continue to ride that pisces wave of transformation. The energy around us is ripe for shadow work, for healing, for expressing. Yet, there can be many obstacles between us and our self-expression. Shame, fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, depression, lack of self-value, anxiety, oppression, etc. This is why facing your darkness, your fears and forgotten resentments/disappointments, is such an important part of the creative and transformative process. Without dealing with these parts of ourselves, our creative spirits are in danger of being locked behind all the nonsense, and even worse, we might even take comfort in that trap and call it hiding.
The mix of fire and water in the stars and in the air, are coming together to aid us in breaking out of our internal prisons, to burst through our obstacles and burn the rest. But our participation is still necessary. It is not too late for you to tune in to yourself and the energy of the stars, this energy is still present. Sit down, quiet your mind, meditate, and reflect (check the Pisces Eclipse tarot spread I created and shared yesterday to aid your reflection). We are being asked to muster our courage, our energy, and take the scary, hard steps toward our liberation and joy. This is true on both the collective and personal level.
I know a new day is dawning within each and every one of us. We are all part of this cultural, spiritual, and political revolution. I know we are all feeling it, like a simmering pot about to boil over. And therefor it is up to all of us to share our visions, our plans, our ideas, our action, our resistance! We are being called, called to be and fight for the highest good. We must gather the courage and energy to share, to fight, to climb, to dream, to wish, to do, to move, to create, to care, to clean, to change and transform the world!!
Harmony and peace or bust. Equality or bust. Eco-friendly world or bust. Economic justice or bust.
I know what I’ll be wishing. <3
Blessed be <3