Ace of Wands, Ten of Cups, and the Three of Swords
I drew my daily draw before going on a lovely sunrise walk, revealing the ace of wands and 10 of cups. When I came back another card had fallen from the pile and landed face down across the other two. It was the 3 of swords. I assume the faeries had something to do with this… And I’m a big believer in jumpers and surprise cards anyhow. With such a positive, enthusiastic, and joyful draw without the 3 of swords, what could its addition mean to tell us?
Sometimes we can focus too much on the pain of our past, the pain of our present, or even be too worried about pain in the future. We can get so focused on our shadows that we ignore the light. While it is important to face your pain so that it can be healed, it is also important to remain open to the beauty and opportunities of life, joy, and the pursuit of happiness. Pain can often make us close up, close off, and shut down to life and what could/does/will make us happy. It can steer us into fearful traps of depression and anxiety. Heartache, disappointments, and betrayal can fester and ooze into resentment and bitterness that will slowly drain your world of color and vitality.
I find this to be true even in following politics. There is a lot of bad and horrible things happening out there right now, but there is so much good too. We must remember to keep hope, to keep fighting for a better world, to elevate the good actions being taken, and seek out opportunities that will allow us to move toward’s a more balanced, harmonious future.
I encourage all of us to seek out our enthusiastic and excitable nature today. Let us continue to pursue a life of happiness, love, and gratitude in spite of those who threaten our vitality. They may say we should steal more oil from the earth, but we say we want solar and wind power! They may say that we need to spend more money on war, we say we want universal healthcare, affordable school, social assistance programs, and fair chances at economic and ecological justice. They may tell us to fear and hate those who are different, we say we love diversity and equality for all.
And on a personal level, fear and past trauma may want us to not take risks, but you must follow your instinctual draw toward adventure, other people, and joy. You may be scared to open up to love and life again, but trust me, your heart knows how to heal and your soul knows adventure and joy are with the risk.
Wishing you all some love and light today.
Blessed be.