December is already here… This precious life is fleeting and it’s easy to drown in the frustrating moments: what isn’t right, what still stands in your way, what you can’t make peace with… Though this life holds many challenges, our greatest struggle is to carefully monitor and choose our perspective. How we perceive what happening around us and within us will make all the difference in the direction of our lives, individually and as a collective. During Sagittarius season, we are served best by looking at the big picture, taking the macro, and looking deeply at the roles that we play in this macrocosm of the universe. Ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things what matters the most to you. Take some time to really observe your life. Once you find your answer, seek out what you value and revel in what you have.
This month the 10 of Cups is reminding you how important it is to stop and genuinely appreciate all that you enjoy in this life of yours. Soak in the company of those you love. Savor your favorite winter pastimes. Seek out the experiences that inspire and fill your soul with joy. In the winter, more than any other season (though always true), your happiness is up to you to create. Astrologically the 10 of Cups is equivalent to Mars (your ruling planet) in Pisces. Guess where Mars is right now? In Pisces! And it will be there until December 31st. Take advantage of the creative, spiritual, and heartfelt energy this lends you. Let your heart lead you through the darkest days of winter and find contentment in all that blesses your life. ❅
During this fiery dark season, it’s important to take advantage of the time we have to reflect and get our minds right. I have a feeling you’ve been holding back, taking shallow breathes, walking on ice, teetering on a tight rope and calling it all balance… But balance is not about suppression. It’s about breathing deeply, freely, and coming at life from your center. It doesn’t mean things will be smooth sailing. It doesn’t mean that emotions won’t be coming and going or that conflict won’t exist. Quite the opposite really because balance is not a stagnant force. It’s a constant shuffling of the pieces, making things work and fit as we go. Nothing is set in stone.
If you are struggling to keep an appearance of balance this December, let go of the charade. Let the pieces tumble to the ground and make time to take stock of what you’re carrying and the choices you need to make to breathe more freely. Justice is about the consequences of our actions, choices, and perspective more than mere balance or equality. What is right in one moment could be wrong in the next. So stop. Take a deep breath. Bring in awareness with each inhale, release what you’ve been stifling with each exhale. Look at what you are left with and then see what you can decide from there. Look at what you have and clearly outline what you need. Now you are operating from your center. Isn’t that better? ❅
Who are you to the world? Dear Gemini, you have the power to take in information at speeds most of us would find dizzying. But what do you put out? What do you want to be to the world? With all that you understand and the knowledge you carry, you have the ability to embody many different shapes. A gift that comes with the threat of indecision, illusion, and confusion. To clarify who you are and who you want to be, observe and experiment with the vibes you put out this month. How does the world react to you in your different forms? Pay attention to what fulfills you, what strikes a cord with your center. This is a great month to synthesize all the knowledge you’ve gathered about who you are this year. And what better way than to play it out in the world, taking on different roles, and then deciding where they fit in the wholeness that is you. What feels right?
Through most of this month we are in your opposite sign of Sagittarius. This opposition is the contrast you need to define your individual wholeness. From this place, you are able to clarify the unique contribution you are to this world and shift your path accordingly. As a new year dawns, what needs to change so you can express yourself more fully? ❅
You’re moving from the five of swords last month to the 6 of swords for December. Yay for progress! Now that you’ve given your mental patterns your attention and dived deep into where they came from, it’s time to move on, expanding into a better tomorrow. What better way to spend Sagittarius and the beginning of Capricorn season? You’ve been through a lot. It’s exhausting work, unlearning mental patterns, uncovering their roots, and pulling the weeds from your mind. It’s okay and beyond reasonable to feel a bit heavy as you take this next step forward. Giving birth to new forms is often painful, but trust me, trust the universe, a new adventure awaits.
And so you must ask yourself, what does rebirth look like as winter approaches? For each mental pattern undone must be re-written with something new. What seeds have you been planting, what intentions have you been setting, what calls have you been longing to answer? A new year is dawning, bringing a new you with it. How do you want to design the continuing patterns of your life? There is a freshness to the sharp, dark nights of this time of year. Breathe it in and let it revitalize you, awaken you, inspire you in this creative new journey. Wishing you love, joy, and actualization as you leave the past behind and expand beautifully into your future. ❅
LEO ♌️
The Lovers follows you into December dear Leo. Some choices are still being wrestled with. The energies that surround you now have you reconsidering a lot in your life. And though this will ultimately lead to growth, I imagine its been quite burdensome to process all that is coming up for you. You hold a lot of power when decisions are being made. It can be extremely overwhelming. So how do you stay close to your center and make the best choices for you?
Focus on what you value. Focus on your inner truth. Focus on the intentions you’ve set for yourself and where you want to be in the future. Learning to stand in your power through turmoil and hard decisions isn’t easy, but there are few things more rewarding. Be patient and loving with yourself, but also stern. You have a divine calling to answer and the power of the universe is alight within your veins. It’s your responsibility to make the choices necessary for your highest self to be realized. Lean into the expansive energy of Sagittarius to dream big and dive into Capricorn season with the will to follow through.
You’ve got this. Let your lion heart lead the way. ❅
My dear Virgos, as this year winds down it’s time to consider what has culminated for you in the past 11 months. What have you learned about yourself? What have you left behind? What have you added? How does it all come together to fuel your goals for 2019? BUT - don’t do this through the lens of successes and failures. Look at this past year from a healing, spiritual perspective. Instead of analyzing how you did in school or the raise/promotion you did or did not get, analyze your spiritual growth. And do so with loving remembrance that healing is a spiral, not a step ladder you can measure.
What wounds did you heal? What joy did you cultivate? What did your challenges teach you? When did the universe surprise you? What patterns do you notice? What calls you into the next year? What do you want to work on, learn more about, and dive deeper into? What is your spirit hungry for?
Trust me and trust yourself Virgo, you will take care of the other stuff. It is your spirit that is calling for your attention during this expansive season of Sagittarius and goal setting time of Capricorn. Take time to reflect on your spiritual, emotional, mental, and creative health and write your New Year’s resolutions from there. ❅
Things are looking up my dear Libra. October may have been a hard month, but you’ve moved through it and come out the other side wiser. Now it’s time to take some risks, to throw your hat in the ring, to spin the wheel of fortune and see where you land. You have some exciting ass visions that are waiting to be realized. Now is the time! Jupiter has its eyes on you this December, bringing you some seriously expansive creative energy. What will you do with it? Tis’ the season of many social events, creative opportunities, and a variety of choices on how to spend the dark hours. Set some intentions to keep the paralysis of too many options at bay. Because energy like this shouldn’t be wasted. Clear your schedule of anything that is out of alignment with what you are trying to create out of this life. Let your intentions guide your decisions.
Acting from your center, heeding to your truth, and creating from your heart is a beautiful way to end the year and begin another. Give yourself what you deserve and do just that. ❅
As you settle into this next trip around the sun, December is asking you to consciously focus on coming into your own authority and power. Step into the fire of who you are. Allow your intuition to wake to its full potential. While your power is both individual and collective, you are not alone with it. All of who you are is in connection to all that have come before, are here now, and will come after - both seen and unseen. And you know quite a bit about the unseen don’t you? Welcome this part of you! Commune with the spirits and natural world around you. Believe in your ability tap into the divine, into oneness, into the magic of all of us here on this planet and beyond. Make friends with the plants in your home, the trees on your street, the spirits of place that surround you and watch your world become an exchange of power and inspiration that keeps you feeling whole, able, and empowered.
And don’t let the pain of your past stop you either…
You don’t have to do it alone. But you do have to do something with your inner power. This is also a great time to check in with your dreams and what keeps you from them. What do you want to accomplish for yourself this year? What do you want to become a part of? What is your power, creativity, and inspiration all for? It’s time to seek it. ❅
Happy solar return to those of you with birthdays in December! How are you doing? How was this past year for you? What did you learn? What has changed? What do you want to make out of the next one? As you answer this last question, focus on all the gifts that bless your life and listen carefully to what the universe is presenting to you now. Right now. There is plenty to distract you in this world. Life can leave you jaded, distracted, frustrated, and out of connection with what truly matters pretty damn easily. Especially in times of great change. And great change is exactly what’s calling you forward dear Sag. Shit is going to go down - whether it’s subtle or dramatic, you will be feeling it.
December wants you to practice being in a place of trust with the universe through these upheavals. Really dig deep into faith. Know that all that changes around and within you is in service to your higher self. Know that you have power in your choices, how you react, and the perspective you take. All that is required of you is to stay conscious, be alert, and practice awareness. Listen to your internal dialogue. Be on the scout for signs and synchronicities from the universe, encouraging you and granting you gifts along the way. Reach out and take the inspiration being offered to you now. Trust me, it’s there. ❅
Happy birthday December Capricorns! With the sun joining Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, you should be feeling the pressure, although at home, with all this energy in your sign by the end of the month. This birthday season, think of all that you have built out of this life, all that you have worked hard for. Think of the boundaries you’ve created for yourself, the authority roles you’ve stepped into, the power you’ve reclaimed for yourself… And you did it through all of the good and bad times, with every turn of the wheel. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Allow it to fill you with strength and let it prove to you how much you can trust yourself and your instinct.
Feeling good about yourself yet? If not, try again. Take the next step in your life with an open heart. Let down some of your defenses. Ease your boundaries to be a bit more permeable. Allow fresh air waft through your great fortress. Trust in yourself to be okay, to be strong, even while vulnerable to the world. Let this vulnerability inspire and refresh you as you enter another year around the sun. Allow yourself to see and be seen with arms open. Let the next turn of the wheel find you open and willing to be guided to your highest potential externally as well as internally.
You don’t need to do it all alone. You can’t. ❅
It has been quite a year. Take stock of what you’ve learned, what you’ve accomplished, and the ways in which your perceptions have changed. Write it down and pour over the pages until you come to a clear idea of what comes next for you dear Aquarius. How can you build that allows you to step into your power, take on leadership roles in your life, and define your future in meaningful ways this coming year?
Now is the time to settle into the quiet, to make room for play in the dark, to withdraw and seek internal vision. Because you are a visionary. You can see the future. You have the ability hold space for individuality and the collective like no other. This is your gift. It’s what the world needs now more than ever. Make space and time for exploring, tending, and fortifying your magical mind so that you can bring your vision to fruition. You are building collective vision by believing in the perspectives and changes that this world is sorely in need of. The world needs your inspiring voice. It’s important to make time for this task. ❅
Wow. Some major cards coming our way Pisces. The 10 of Cups and High Priestess leaped from the deck as the shuffle settled on Judgment. The 10 of Cups is astrologically equivalent to Mars in Pisces, where the planet sits until 12/31. This is draw is a clear call to allow our actions to be driven by our emotions and creative urges. Paired with a call for grounding, this month is all about bringing our mystic vision of what could be earth side. We are in a time of reckoning on this planet. Humanity is at a crossroads and most of this world is in desperate need of a strong wake up call. More than that, we need a dream to believe in, a dream that things can be better, a dream that will make things better.
Not everyone can see it any other way than it’s always been. Pisces, you can see beyond the veil, not only into the spiritual and mystic realms, but to a better way here and now. Bring this hope to the world by doing your creative work. Believe in your vision’s ability to come true. Sound the trumpet louder as naysayers dismiss your fantasies of a better world. There is no more time for their pessimism. Only vision and the steps required to actualize it. We all have our roles to play in this. Sing your siren song loud dear fish. Awaken our potential to live in harmony with one another and this sacred planet. ❅