Hello friends and welcome to my first installment of Tarotscopes! I had a lot of fun writing these and hope you find a bit of wisdom, a slice of peace, and a spoonful of guidance within them. Feel free to read for your sun, moon, and rising sign or any other sign you are working with. As I pulled the cards and wrote, I was channeling the energy of each sign for the coming month, not focusing on any certain planetary aspect or house.
Wishing you an insightful November, filled with personal growth.
Blessed be.
As autumn settles in the hours of darkness grow and the light becomes a precious commodity. This season of waning may not be your favorite, but it is a necessary one of rest and contemplation. Take advantage of the abundance of quiet hours and make space for some reflection dear Ram. The 2 of Swords invites you to turn inwards, to shut out the noise of the busy outer world for a moment, and listen to what your inner self has to say. Underlying the lesson of the two of swords is the Sun - your guiding light. Even the sun needs time for renewal. Let the darkness soothe your soul and guide you on how to use your light to warm and energize your spirit through the coming winter months. Conservation may be more necessary than months past.
Maybe you are struggling to make a decision. Maybe you feel lost. Maybe you are running aimlessly. Or maybe you are simply approaching a burn out. No matter where you are, take a lesson from mama earth and turn down the heat for a bit this November. Lend your light to your priorities. Aren’t sure what those are? Even more reason to get in touch with your inner self ⟡
Fall may be on the opposite side of the wheel than your native spring, but it still offers its own cornucopia of sensual goodness and cozy abundance. This November the King of Rods (or Wands if you prefer) offers you an opportunity to re-ignite your passion. As the evenings grow darker and you are called into the security and warmth of your cave more and more, there becomes more time for your creative and expressive self to shine. Whether you play an instrument, write, paint, craft, act, or what have you, it is the season to give it your full attention. What is your soul calling for you to explore, to deepen, to create? Grab a blanket, make some hot cocoa or tea, and let your imagination take the lead.
Underlying this call to passion is the Hermit. You have some internal discoveries to uncover this month. Protect your time to yourself. Allow the precious quiet of lingering nights to open your heart to your inner truth. Trust yourself in expressing this truth in any way that inspires you. Let the fire in your heart burn deep and slow and it will lead the way to expression.⟡
This November is asking you to level up my Gemini friend. The 5 of Wands is a card of confrontation and through this challenge- the building of skill. It’s that whole ‘you will learn more in the ring than you will sitting in the stands’ stuff people talk about. Not that you have a problem stepping into the ring… BUT this time, you are being called in with clear intention. Before you fling yourself into conflict or competition regarding any ideas, collaborations, or creative pursuits you might have underway - sit first with yourself and decide your truest intention. What is it that you are trying to nurture in your life, out of this project, or within yourself? What is this fight for?
Make sure your answer is clear because this month will challenge you. And this challenge has some very real power to manifest changes in your life. Make sure they are in the direction you want to go. Underlying all of this is the Priestess of Disks (or Queen of Pentacles). She is an abundant queen, in tune with herself and all that she loves in the world. Her work is to appreciate, create, and nurture more of just that - what she loves. How can you fight for what you love and stay true to yourself this month? Set your intention. Ground in your truth. And enter the ring. ⟡
While Scorpio season offers some stability to the ever changing waters of Cancer, it’s depth can become a source of anxiety if you try and avoid it. Old and current mental patterns may be running the show, threatening the scene, or simply influencing what you believe is possible for yourself and this world - this is the 5 of swords. But underlying this, is the Star, the card of hope, renewal and a clean, refreshed start. Use the healing stability of Scorpio to look deep into your mental patterns - especially patterns of fear and negative thinking. Become aware of the thoughts that are running your life, making your decisions, keeping you small, trapping you in a place of hurt. Follow them back to their source in your psyche. Where did you learn to think like that? When did you begin to fear defeat, success, or living a life you authentically want?
Go back and offer yourself love, forgiveness, and reassurance. Remember that this is the past and does not have to be your present or your future. Grab yourself by the hand and steer your path to the healing pool of renewal. Bathe in hope, determination, and trust. Discover the power of faith and allow the past to fall away as you dip into the healing waters promised by both Scorpio season and the Star for those willing to seek renewal. ⟡
LEO ♌️
This month finds you at a crossroads. A choice must be made. Between perspectives, between ideas, between paths, or people, or philosophies. Something new is being asked of you by way of communication, whether it is how you communicate with others, yourself or both. Maybe you’ve been wanting to try out another style of counseling. Maybe you are considering how you can improve your mental attitude. Maybe you are a writer, choosing between theories. Maybe a philosopher considering investing more into a small spark of inspiration you just can’t shake. Maybe it is time for a new personae. The Lovers remind you that there are many opportunities and paths available to you, while the Ten of Pentacles underlying reminds you what is at stake - the legacy you build out of this life.
Whatever choice you are facing, make sure you take your next steps with a beginner’s mindset. Make sure it excites you, begging you to learn more. And then give it your all. Be open to what awaits you, what you may discover… There is great potential in every new beginning, trust your creative expression, and allow yourself to give birth to new forms, the Page of Pentacles leapt from the deck to be your guide. ⟡
My dear people of service and discernment, don’t take it all on this month. Consider the load that weighs on your back, does it all belong to you? Does it really need to be perfect or does it need to be done so that you can focus on something else? Something more important and closer to your heart? Can you pass along some of the responsibility to someone else? I know it isn’t easy because you genuinely want to be able to do it all. And if you practice tarot, I imagine the 10 of Wands finds its way to you all too often. Listen to its lesson this month. Paired with Strength, you are being asked to recognize that while it may take strength to carry a heavy load, it also is strength that allows you to discern what is really necessary, where your efforts are best used, and where you can let someone else pick up the slack.
With the 2 of Cups underlying this month for you, it is clear that you are in need of getting back in connection with your true self and the desire that fuels your heart. Being represented by the Virgin has nothing to do with your sex life and everything to do with you belonging first and foremost to YOURSELF and no one else. You are yours to behold, to love, to nurture, and to cherish. Find the strength to pause, to check in, and give yourself the love and care you need to continue on tending the details, carrying a load, and working hard. We love and appreciate you Virgo. You deserve time to tend to yourself. ⟡
Oof, my dear Libra friends. Oof. Scorpio season is a great time for doing shadow work, but it is entirely excessive and wasteful to allow your shadows to consume you. Working with your old wounds - giving them the presence they require for healing - is very different than poring salt into them and allowing the pain to overwhelm you all over again. It may be tempting to pile on the hurt, guilt, and shame and just wallow in it this month. It would be an easy thing to do considering all that is also happening in your external world. But this won’t be productive and it will knock you off balance, making for a miserable way to enter the increasingly dark months ahead.
Use the energy of this month to check yourself and to watch your thoughts. Where is your negative thinking coming from? Are your expectations of this life and this world too rigid, too consuming, too narrow for you to find the harmony and balance you seek? Is your internal imbalance leading you to addictive behaviors? Is your reality too far from your fantasy? What needs to change? Is it your attitude? Your choices? Your behavior? I know I’m asking a lot of questions of you, but this is the best way to find your way out of a tangled mental web. Take some time to connect back to your core, your higher self, your truth. Write it down and use it to compare to all the mental garble weighing you down. Use this as your guiding standard. Let the rest fade away. Stick to what is yours. ⟡
Happy solar return to all of you Scorpio Suns! What a month October was for you! November may shape up to be quite the active time for you as well - especially in the beginning of the month. How do you cope with so much action going on around your sun sign (or rising or moon)? Dip out when you need to. Give yourself time to seek sanctuary. To sit in quiet or blast heavy metal - whatever brings you comfort and peace. Indulge your senses and rest your mind in a way that feels good to you. I can’t recommend meditation enough. Especially out in nature. Especially in or near water. Take a bath or an intentionally meditative shower every day if you can. Plan a trip to the hot springs! Or maybe go to a spa, if that sounds nice and is accessible to you. Sit next to a river. Dream near the ocean. Stare at the leak in your kitchen sink.
However you need, give yourself permission to tell the rest of the world to fuck off for a bit and carve out some deeply nourishing rest for your soul. Maybe this is something you don’t know how to do or have been doing for years. Either way, take a lesson from the Princess of Coins (Page of Pentacles) and keep an open mind. Allow this necessary you time to be one of learning, of play, and of peace. No worrying about getting it right. No falling into familiar traps that lead you back out of yourself and in to the chaos. Simply find a way to be that pleases you, without worrying about anything or anyone else. You deserve it. And what a renewing way to enter your next trip around the sun. ⟡
Happy Solar Return to those of you with birthdays in November! Whether you day is this month or next month, I hope you are celebrating the boss ass brave soul that you are. Even when times are rough and the world weighs heavy, your courage and authenticity keep the warmth alive. It’s true. You are an inspiration to us all. You have faith in the human spirit to overcome the odds. Not only that, you have the right attitude to make sure of it. It isn’t that you have to pick up the world all by yourself. On the contrary, your job is enthusiastically pointing the way, holding space for a better world, and keeping the faith alive. In doing this for others, you inevitably lift your own spirits too.
To keep that inner flame a’ burnin’ though, you have to take time away from the battlefield. It’s important to seek time for rest, meditation, and healing as often as necessary this month. When the hope in your heart feels weak, when you feel low or tired, just duck out. Leave the world behind for a while. Escape into your own sanctuary and tend your inner fire. Read your favorite book. Take a nice hike. Meditate near a fire. Whatever makes you feel at ease and brings you back to your center. We all need to return to this place, especially when we have great work to do. ⟡
You may be feeling much more moody than you are comfortable with this month. Most likely out of boredom with or ingratitude towards your emotional self. Don’t let an indignant attitude turn your life sour this month. Simply staying frustrated and resistant isn’t going to do you any good. Ask yourself why. Do some digging and seek out what is really eating at you. When your feelings are calling for your attention you are being offered a gift. Don’t waste it. This is an opportunity to get down and dirty with yourself and figure out what it is you need. Maybe it’s time for a change, a risk, a moment of insanity even… Maybe it’s time to see what you can learn from getting a little wild.
The only way to move past this frustrated state is to take a moment or two to take stock of what’s around you. Find some gratitude for the value of your emotions and seek out the message they are sending. Spend some time with the moon. Look at where Cancer resides in your astrological chart. Go to the ocean. Sit with the sky. Whatever it takes to get you started on this mini emotional journey. Open up to your heart. Trust me, it’s better than living with a bad attitude on the wrong path. Let your heart give you the nudge you need. It has only your best interests at heart 😉. ⟡
It is a hard time to be the sign of the collective, but it is equally as important. We need your rebellious and idealistic perspective if we are to have any hope in the future. People need to be brought together in a way that makes room for the expression and harmony of all. Aquarius, you have a major role to play in this! It is the Age of Aquarius after all. So if you have been hiding away, avoiding making decisions, not speaking up, avoiding interactions with others, or playing it safe with smiles and charm, this month is the time to knock it off and choose your most authentic path back into the light.
Staving off what calls from your heart may seem like it brings momentary peace, but in the long run it is only fueling your anxiety. The best way to deal with the world and everything in it is to get involved and do something about it. In your own way. In a way that inspires the best parts of who you are. Dear Aquarian, you have so much light to share, especially in your refreshing perspective. It’s in the way you bring together the intuitive and logical, the outside of the box ways you move around norms and assumptions. Trust yourself and your expression. You are a bringer of hope. And we NEED hope. I can guarantee it will only make your life happier if you embrace who you are, allow the world in, and express yourself.
My fellow Pisces, it may not be in our nature to engage in confrontation or a challenge. Though a part of us is begging for us to stand up for our ideas, the other part pulls away, wanting duck for cover. It is the tale of the two fishies, swimming in different directions. This month, we are being called to follow the fish that is ready to level up, to step into the ring and fight for what we believe in and who we are. The 5 of wands reminds us not to waste time comparing ourselves to those we assume are better than we are, who seem to have more confidence, or who are already doing what we want to do. Instead, we are being challenged to join them, learn from them, and bring our uniqueness to the table. Don’t fall for the capitalist myth of scarcity. There is enough for us all.
It’s time to get moving towards our dreams my dears. Pull the fishies together and lead them down the path that most nurtures all that you wish to create in this world. If it helps to see it as the Mother of Pentacles, do it for the love of it. You love it all. Let that love flow, let that love guide, let that love pour into this struggling world and hold it in the healing faith that our sign is known for. Faith, hope, empathy, and deep connection is what this world needs and that is your gift to give. ⟡