I’m keeping it pink this week! Since our pink moon, I’ve been feeling this color and all of the beautiful loving energy it represents. And my neighborhood is just exploding with it! Why not take advantage?
Any WHO,
Happy Friday, friends. The cards have an inspiring message for our weekend…
This draw is asking you to trust in yourself. Trust in the path you walk. Trust in the future you seek. Trust in your vision. Trust the accomplishments you’ve made thus far. Trust in the direction you wish to head. Trust that every failure, hardship, and obstacle are meant to help you grow, guide your path, and grant you wisdom. Trust that you are part of the divine and the divine is part of you. Trust that there is a plan and trust in your role within it.
Trust enough that it becomes belief. Allow this belief in yourself to propel your ideas forward, without second-guessing your steps - just do, say, be, live, share, create it. When you meet opposition or grief, tackle it head on with the perseverance and reverence of the buffalo, of the bull (it is Taurus season after all). Don’t let failure or setbacks take away from the honor of your many accomplishments. When things get rough, look back at all you’ve been through and achieved thus far and let it fuel the fire you need to get you through yet another bump in the road.
People will see. Your efforts will be acknowledged. But first, YOU have to see it, be it, trust it, and believe it.
Blessed be.