Gawtcha is the Tower card of the Faerie’s Oracle. He represents those moments and events that strip us of our rigid safety blankets (which are often closer to prisons than safe zones) and teach us to let go of the old as we are forced into something new. Whether this event is something that happens to us or is of our own choosing, something is being dismantled in order to make room for growth. He causes both the happy and devastating surprises that set our life in a new direction. He sets the shocks in motion that call us out for not listening to and trusting our intuition or ignoring the voice of our higher selves. He is the seemingly disastrous blows to our lives that really just blow us onto the right path.
When unexpected shocks or surprises shake us up, whether bad or good, we have a choice in our reaction. We can look at the ways in which we can create magic and abundance from the situation by undergoing necessary transformations or we can get lost in worry, fear, and anxiety. We can twist and toil through shame, being far too critical of ourselves, self-doubt, and anxious ‘what ifs’ or we can take stock of what we are left with and get moving. Whether you are reacting in the moment of this life-changing occurrence or are riding the shockwaves or even reliving the trauma from the distance of the future - you have the choice of staying lost in the treacherous web of negative thinking or creating something from your experience.
Truly, the best part of being human is our creative powers. I know it takes some serious work, many trials and tribulations, therapy and personal reflections, but we must learn to stop wasting our creative and magical potential on something as poisonous as worry or shame. We must heed the lesson of the King of Pentacles (who also represents Taurus) and stand strong in our ability to create abundance through our resourcefulness. We must call in the parts of ourselves that are determined and even a little stubborn so that we can do the work we have been called to do, despite any obstacles in our way. Remember that we can make magic out of even the harshest conditions, much like our brilliant creator — mother earth.
Blessed be.