Last night, in a sort of lucid dream, I think I was initiated and united with some seriously powerful energy. After awaking to a bloody mess threatening to overflow onto my sheets at 330 in the morning, I couldn’t fall back asleep. In these moments, I turn to meditation to help me back into a resting, calm mindset. As I was grounding and reaching out to the universe, my mind shifted simultaneously to a powerful visualization that came to me from my reiki healer in an especially nurturing session. As I reached out to connect with the energy of the universe, it began flowing back to me and into my heart, where a seed began to sprout. The seed birthed a green stem from my chest that grew into a beautiful, budding pink lily. As it bloomed it turned it’s petals toward me, cocooning me in a shelter of divine and self love. And then I fell asleep… kind of.
I was in a sort of lucid dream, I assume (I’ve never been able to do this consciously). It was absolutely clear that I was vibrating with the energy of the divine feminine. I felt it in every cell of my body. And then ideas, truths, feelings of sorts began scrolling through my mind so fast I could barely capture the scrolling into words or concrete memories. It felt like a download of sorts, as my reiki healer would call it. And then I settled into a dreamless sleep that lasted well into the morning.
This morning’s draw has me stunned, humbled, and struggling to accept the gift of what must have happened last night.
The four of wands is a card of initiation and celebration. It is a turning point, one that requires an advancement in responsibility but also marks significant growth. The two of cups is a union of equals. It can happen between two people, between two parts of ourselves, or even a person with magical energy or divinity. The Cobra represents our inner teacher, wise and connected to the divine.
Could it possibly be true? Was what happened last night an initiation into a deeper level of wisdom, connection, and magic? What does this mean?! Even while writing this I feel that vibration again, of being connected to the divine, buzzing from my toes to the crown of my head.
I’d love any feedback from my fellow magical and healing practitioners if any of you feel so inclined.
Wishing you all powerful initiations, connections, and lessons from inner and outer teachers today.
Peace and love to you all.
Blessed be.