Blessed Beltane my dears. Today is both a passionate pagan holiday and day of political action. The sun is in sensuous Taurus and the moon moved into Aries early this morning, joining Venus. This energy is ripe for allowing your passion to come to the surface. Take full advantage of this ancient holiday. Revel in the natural riches around you. Take action and advocate for all that you love. Open your heart to the vitality and fertile magic that being in this miraculous body on this luscious, beautiful planet is. Allow the privilege and power of being here now sink in and most importantly, let it move you. Whether you join the protests, create art, fuck, flirt, I don’t care… DO SOMETHING that brings your passion and pleasure together and give a good goddess damn about the magic worth preserving in this world.
On May 4th the moon catches up with the sun in Taurus. Both of these luminaries form a sextile to Neptune in Pisces, bringing us a tangible and mystical new moon in Taurus. This energy is simply perfect for setting intentions because it combines the vision of Neptune in Pisces and the drive to make them a reality with the help of the Sun and Moon in Taurus. We can best use this time to set intentions AND create a goal list of the steps necessary to bring our wishes to fruition. Ask yourself what you truly value and find ways in which to spend more time with that. It may mean letting go of excess expectations of yourself or it may mean letting go of some of your more addicting habits. Look at where you spend your time and make your additions and subtractions accordingly.
On May 5th, Mars in Gemini opposes Jupiter in Sagittarius. This aspect challenges us to think about where we put our focus. For some of us it’s tempting to want to do all of the things, to pick up dozens of hobbies, make too many plans, and end up overwhelmed and scattered. For others, it’s hard to break out of your comfort zone or lift your head above water because you are in too deep on one subject. Strike a balance between these. Focus is necessary for mastery: diversity is needed for inspiration and integrity.
Venus and Mars change signs on May 15th, moving into Gemini and Cancer. Venus in Gemini is bound to get us excited about our various interests and values, while Mars in Cancer can encourage us to be passionate about nurturing others and ourselves OR lashing out in self defense. Take a look at your birth chart and see what house these signs occupy and what other planets are there to see where and how this transition may play out for you.
The moon in Scorpio opposes the sun in Taurus bringing us a full moon on the 18th. Shining light on our more secretive nature, we are reminded that it is time to come back out into the sun and air out all that we have nestled in deep with over the winter. What is ready to grow out of the shadows for you? How can you nourish this? Take advantage of the warming and lengthening days while you have them. We are all responsible to the seasons and the work they call us to do. It is necessary for our survival. Surrender to mother earth’s cosmic wisdom.
The sun is wrapping up its time in Taurus, but not to worry, Uranus will be there quite some time. One the same day as our Full Moon, Venus meets Uranus here, adding some electric and surprising energy to our relationships. Remember that we relate to much more than our fellow humans. This is a great day to look at how you are aligning with your values and take action by shaking things up a little. Prioritize what you love and who you love and liberate yourself from the bullshit cluttering up the works.
On May 21st the sun moves into Gemini bringing Mercury along too. These two bring us a delightfully expressive start to the Gemini season. Watch the varieties of flowers and trees explode into life. Feel the hum of the diverse natural world as you walk through these magical days. Rejoice in all the blessings of this season of growth. Allow your attention to wonder into the many possibilities and expansive opportunities this life offers.
Closing out the month, on May 30th Venus in Taurus forms a sextile to Neptune in Pisces, giving vision to what we love, allowing our mystical imaginations to run wild with the luscious and sensual energy available in this life. Open up to this harmonious magic. Make a plan to use this special aspect to your creative advantage. The very next day, Venus trines Saturn retrograding through Capricorn, adding sweetness to the work we must do to bring all that we saw in our mind’s eye the day before to fruition. Let us meet our responsibilities with love in our hearts and in reverence to the sacred connections we hold to one another and this planet.
Blessed May my friends.