The playful abundance of Leo gives way to the necessary work of harvesting, preserving, and organizing all that we grew over the warm summer months, ensuring that we will be sustained through the winter. Welcome to Virgo season, the mutable time that turns summer into fall. This season reminds us to get serious. The wind turns cold, the leaves begin to yellow, and there is a sense that time is running out. It is this urgency that gives way to Virgo’s incredible capacity for discernment. It is time to seriously prioritize where we spend our energy. True, there is so much calling for our service, but what holds precedent? The best thing that we can do for ourselves is to get in sync with the energy of Virgo and trust our powers of discernment. Organize, make lists, and execute.
Virgo reminds us that the divine lives within mundane, in the details of maintaining our lives. Practicality is a spiritual discipline worthy of our consideration. Our everyday rituals are the twists and turns that weave our life’s great tapestry. What we do to sustain ourselves is what we become and what we are made of. Consider your daily routines. Do they reflect your values? Are they serving your larger goals? Are they contributing to the changes you wish to see in your life and the world?
The Hermit speaks to Virgo in the tarot. The Hermit represents much more than closing ourselves off from the world or going into hiding. The Hermit is about focus and turning inward. Focus on trusting ourselves, learning from our internal wisdom, and mastering our skills. We must govern ourselves, belong to ourselves, and work on ourselves in order to be of greatest use to this world. You alone will need to do the work of discerning what you need more of in your life and what needs to be cut out so that you are able to live more authentically. It’s about limiting what distracts us from our priorities. This is self governance and it requires conscious reflection. What needs more of your attention? What needs to be cut out, given to the compost pile, gifted to the goddess’s womb of transformation?
During Virgo season, we are wrapping up and beginning again. It is time to take an honest look at our lives and decipher how we can better serve ourselves. Fall and winter beckon. The night will soon be longer than the day. This is a time many feel depressed, suffer from seasonal affective disorder, and struggle to hold on to the light. How can you bring some of summer’s light and lessons in to the dark time of the year? How can you ease in to the dark in a way that allows you to surrender to the changing season and cycles? These are the questions we must answer now while there is still time to gather resources.
Transformation occurs in the mundane, the day to day way that we care for ourselves, our creativity, and our work. It is in the details, the monotony. This Virgo season, I will be focusing on appreciating and honoring the divine in my routines. I want to practice reverence for my daily tasks. I want to create a mindfulness ritual out of doing the dishes, a meditative mind-body connection out of getting ready each day, a spell out of the harvest from our garden as we can, ferment, and freeze.
I will make practicing my craft a sacred dedication.